Guardian Angel Fund

Save Lives with SICSA

Guardian Angels Save Lives

When at-risk animals come to SICSA, the Guardian Angel Fund is there to give them the specialized medical or behavioral care they need. From cats battling kidney failure, to dogs with congenital heart defects, we believe every pet that joins the SICSA pack deserves to live a happy life in a loving home. When you become a Guardian Angel, you help us make sure they live to see adoption and experience life to the fullest by directly supporting the care of dogs and cats with medical conditions and behavioral complications.
Become a Guardian Angel

A Wonder-ful Gift From Guardian Angels

When Wonder arrived at SICSA, it was apparent that he was facing medical abnormalities. The dermoids (skin growths) on and around his eye were just the start of his avalanche of health concerns. Upon checking his heart, more serious problems were uncovered. Guardian Angels helped Wonder remove the dermoids irritating his eye, sent him to a cardiac specialist, and allowed him to get the care he needed to find a loving home.
Read Wonder's story here

Felicia Battled Kidney Disease and Found a Family

Felicia's foster family welcomed her in knowing her health was in a concerning state. Through the Guardian Angel Fund, she received the treatment she needed, and thanks to her fosters, she had a comfortable place to rest while she focused on battling her disease. With the extra time she was granted through her medical care, Felicia found a family to call her own.
Read Felicia's story here

Thank you to our Guardian Angel Sponsors!
